Thursday, February 10, 2011

Headers For 2.5 Altima Coupe

my week and a confusing highway ride :)...

last week friday, was open day at my "wish school" for next school year. It is a school with a focus on economic weiterführunde. The great thing is that the graduation is fully valid. that is (vote if the notes) that I could study medicine for example, if I wanted. the building is totally beautiful old building that is renovated. will have the classroom even some flat screens, running on the corridors of music, if pause ... in the English room something like (small) in the tape deck benches are embedded. the English teacher has told me and my mother, which are used for acceptance of English-language skills of students and the tables have a headphone jack with the TV are connected. So in short, we see that the state (or whoever) has invested a lot of money.) the school is really great ^ ^
on the flyers, the place was there before, were the conditions for acceptance, Fortunately, I met the all. and happiness is my a weak vintage baby. therefore take the most of any of the conditions will be met and taken up, so I'm not really thought that I will not be included.
thing I also noticed that most girls who have since been looking and are more inclined top styled-heeled shoe-mack up handbags-girl .
I know this is Close by appearances do not always personality on which it ... but I must admit, the girl who intimidated me ... from her look, personality of the (Which I've sealed together in my head), etc. .. I hope that the look, really look only and does not represent the personality of the girl.
oh man ... I'm really just a head-to girl, which I do not know and who I know not even know if I will ever see again?
TEHM changing faster before the degenerates here ...
So on Sunday sent the contribution and the interview on figaro:) I have set myself even a clock in order to not miss! It gave me super well liked my voice heard in the radio. and that too with things in which I myself have been involved. really, really cool;) I think radio is really something for my future;)
we are curious whether or how I will actually create!
on Sunday then I have also noticed how slowly but surely I feel a common cold ... not really tragic, but when mixed with chmotabletten ... I was / am totally broke and had almost rumgelegen only read and heard compelling and convincing gekuckt ...
on monday so I'm not in the school but to my pediatrician.
has made my symptoms (cough, sneeze, sore throat, ranches temp etc) is a cold read. they took me for the whole weeks sick leave, just because I also have always felt more like half-dead ...
on tuesday I had my monthly Termier in the ambulance.
to prevent any new bacteria which my friends are looking for, I had to wait in a room behind a glass pane. While waiting looked mean, me-no-more-treating-physician in the glass box by:) that was really cool! we want to go eat at the holiday together again.
came when I turn, I realized that the wolf in sheep's only non-wolf left at home, but had also drunk softener. get used to, but a gift of sheep do not you look under the fur (saying something about the match:)).
the examination was normal (this time it was not controlled, but maybe if I am male * cough *) . I could also just take however, I did not get a lollipop after the blood collection ... after that it went from a deep spiritual home ^ ^.
today I was at fr.dr. refrigerator. the way up is working slowly but surely to a microwave;)
her I've seen roughly almost only tells what is up.
opportunity for some, it has problems then performs a site- to explain on the highway. she said, ,, imagine you're on the highway, and there is a construction site, what are you doing " , I'll go over?"? , ne can not do that, there is a complete ban. " , well, then I stand amazed." , and what do you do "wait ,,?" , will not you try out of the jam to get out? " ,, well go even if not as everything is, and it does not come back and" ,, * sigh * ok so you have the opportunity to to avoid congestion. " , so I do not get in traffic jams? but propelled him to?" , yes .. " ,, well then I-avoid it." , and what do you drive around in? " * wait .... quiet ...* , uh I use detour ne ... or what they mean exactly?" , yes you are on diversion, Ner ... but you know the way but did not ... " , is not it? ... uh .. ok then I'll take the navi!" , can do, but you do not have navi. but ask people away after. " "Would an interesting question whether a license has fr.dr. fridge:) I had at least according to this" , but are rarely on the highway around people, you might ask ... highway driving "first laugh ^ ^ ..
was `s also" already "to me again hope your DEXA


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