na her out there:)? So here is the
somewhat belated report on my day in mdr-funkhaus.allerdings in somewhat shorter Form.
the day was great:)
we as the "statutory share" were finished, I've even got a tour of the mdr funk house, which was really awesome:)
mainly because even jump out of the house sends ^ ^. you have know, jump is my favorite station.
and then jump to be in the studio, the jump and watch the editorial moderation (bernadette) to face:) really cool!
and then jump to be in the studio, the jump and watch the editorial moderation (bernadette) to face:) really cool!
I was also the chef and the wave of figarion chef make of mdr figaro. all were very nice. I was even offered an internship:). I think radio is really something for me. It has me totally liked, crop, einzusprechen kram, and to breathe air editorial! (There was even a desk with a pile of books by reading someone "had" for a contribution of the ideal job, or:.))
what is there to report?
what is there to report?
so the symptoms from the last post, were a painful urinary tract infection and fever ... no! Well at least something good:)
have treated the whole with antbiotika (which I actually once was tolerated). now I have the whole back but luckily survived.
otherwise doing me quite well. the school can be stressful for the holidays are in sight.
tomorrow I write chemistry ...
again .. that's it from me:) your DEXA
oh yeah before I forget, at the sixth February , the interview about 7.45 clock and contribution is on 8.10 clock sent to mdr figaro .
but he (and hopefully the interview) of mdr figaro is online, I'll post a link, of course. (As far as I know you can probably download it too.)
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