na you? have you turned on yesterday? Whether you now say yea or nay, I tell you once I've experienced yesterday.
we clock up 17 arrived in leipzig. have checked into the hotel and the tickets for the gala reception at the pick. We have tickets to get even for the after show party:)
we had seats in the 6.reihe ^ ^ honestly as I must say this looks a lot smaller than it looks in the TV:) have langasam then the rows filled. just before it went off the script writing was on the stage, and pointed to things like turn off the phones or the no photos are to be made. when he was finished, the program has begun. I actually thought that the cameras we would block the view, but that was almost never the case ^ ^ I was totally impressed by the experience of José Carreras. that was totally great to watch him live. Then came the show acts (helene fischer, nena, josé carreras, a small excerpt from the musical "I've never been to new york", etc. ..). there were between clip from patients, it mainly kinder.oder leukemia patient were surprised on stage with something.
was from time to time live, on the Berlin Christmas Market, gingerbread hearts out josé carreras a donation "given away" are. of course, were the "celebrities" showed the sependentlefonen. which have alternated between.
some point I've seen it on my clock and noticed that it is clock 21:30. which meant that I see in the next half hour turn would come. and about 5 minutes later, the moderator with a camera crew made the transition. first thought OMG. then I first breathed more ...:)
first I was really happy ^ ^ (the people applauded ... I do not know why until now ...).
Bulthaupt axel has a little blog about my told and then asked me if I would be later than professional journalists times. , yes. So that's been making me have fun and I'm also an internship at the radio and stuff and I like totally. " to ask whether I would rather watch TV or the radio to my answer, I know not yet, because I have the TV still not met. and then he told me that one can perhaps have a small decision support. on 6 February, I may in the children of radio mdr (figarino or so ..) a reportage about the program , making in all friendship. set visit with dr mission and all:) oh man is it so cool.
came dannach unholy "born to live with. I find the song totally great! I hear that, I always think of the children onco, but not in the sad sense or negative! but more hopeful!
graf of the wait for a new donate call |
then came the band and again a bit silly celebrity gelabber:) after which the fate presented by britta. they had four ( ! ) times fought against leukemia and runs regularly with marathons. totally amazing is not it?
thanks to all donors!
your DEXA
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